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Senior Debt Financing FAQs


Isn't the process of obtaining a senior debt loan time-consuming?

- Our expedited loan process is designed for speed, propelling your production without delay.


How certain can I be that state incentives will cover the loan?

- Our expertise ensures your loan is perfectly matched with available state tax credits and/or incentives, securing financial stability.


What happens if the film doesn't make a profit?

- Senior debt is typically paid back at the time that principal photography is complete, so profitability isn't a factor.


Aren't there hidden fees with loans like these?

- Transparency is key in our loan structure; we ensure clarity with no hidden fees to worry about.


What if my film's production timeline changes?

- Our flexible financing accommodates production shifts, maintaining momentum towards your creative goals.


Do I lose creative control by using debt financing?

- Our financial support amplifies your creative freedom, leaving full artistic control in your hands.


Is collateralizing tax incentives a risky move?

- Smartly leveraging incentives maximizes financial efficiency, transforming risk into opportunity for your film.


How will a loan impact the equity investors of my film?

- Senior debt loans provide efficient capital, substantially reducing your project's equity burden.


Could the loan process slow down my production's start?

- Our loan services are designed to enhance cash flow, ensuring swift commencement of your film's production.


What if I'm new to film production financing?

- Our industry insight and network will guide you through, simplifying the financing for even first-time producers.



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