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A film's success largely hinges on the quality of its development. The team at HMC has decades of successful series, documentary, and feature film development experience.


Avoid the many hidden pitfalls that reduce your film's potential. 


Our development services are ideal for:


  • Filmmakers with at least $10,000 in seed funding. 

  • Giving investors confidence in your film.

  • Equipping your production team with the tools to succeed.


Contact us to discuss the specifics of your project. 

Each development project is different and may include the following and more:


  • Distribution strategy. 

  • Marketing strategy.

  • Consult with you to optimize the script for structure, production logistics, and artistic and commercial appeal.

  • Create 1st budget and DOODS.

  • Consult with you on marketable suggestions for an official film title.

  • Create an investment deck including key art mockup, bankable lead and supporting actor wish list.

  • Meet with investors via Zoom. 

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